Sunday, September 17, 2006

English Language Is Simply Insufficient

...To describe my frustration, adoration, and utter consternation when tackling proof this year. I've had this expectation over the years in other math classes that everything would come to me with great ease. There had existed this "buffer zone" of information on the subject I had obtained from other sources mathematically that could carry me through the majority of a class so that really, I would only be learning a fraction of new material over two semesters. My previous mathematical knowledge here in KAM ran out somewhere around day two, when we surpassed the general knowledge of proof and number theory summers at YSP afforded me.

But I am not nearly as "paralyzed by fear" as my opening statements lead you to believe: it's hard, sure, but never have I experienced such a community of the mathematically enthused that don't seem to mind that I can't get everything right. On a more personal level, it's showing me that it's totally OK to be wrong about math. And dang, it's just a fun class.


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